Citizens Speak Out Against Attack on Public Lands
When the Trump administration commanded U.S. Interior Department Secretary Ryan Zinke to review 27 national monuments in order to shrink, or even eliminate their designations, story producer Keith Mulvihill and I spoke to the compassionate members of the Next Coalition 100 about their connections to public lands.
The threat to public lands—and therefore to our heritage, culture, and history —has never been scarier. What’s scarier still is that time is running out to protect our national treasures from industrial exploitation.
What we created was a collection of four intimate portraits (see below) of people's connection with public lands. I handled all preproduction and hired the crew including Director of Photography Trent Watts, who shot the interviews. I was responsible for postproduction, working with video editor John Asterita on the final product.  I researched, licensed, commissioned and shot imagery for the final videos.
Trump’s Attack on Our Monuments: Gold Butte
Hillerie Patton, a North Las Vegas resident and a former employee of the Bureau of Land Management for 15 years, talks about her love of Gold Butte National Monument and why it’s important for all Americans to protect this and other public lands.
Trump’s Attack on Our Monuments: African Burial Ground
Audrey Peterman, an advocate for national parks who works to connect these American treasures with more diverse communities, explains why places like the African Burial Ground must be saved.
Trump's Attack on Our Monuments: Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks
Archaeologist Angel Peña explains why it's important to protect Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks.
Trump's Attack on Our Monuments: San Gabriel Mountains, California
L.A. County's San Gabriel Mountains played a significant role in Robert Garcia's life—and that's why he fought for its national monument status.

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